Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday, February 15th, 2007:
More links from Helsingborg!

Quick note:

I've just added loads more links from the entry I made on February 13th, 2007.

Many are to fellow bloggers, and many are to other sites on the Internet. Some are relevant and some not, some are educational, and many are ridiculous.

That is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason I found this really funny: Did you mean Zimbabwean banana-flavored underpants? You should be proud of the fact that your blog is the only place on the entire internet that exact phrase is mentioned

4:41 pm  
Blogger Mark Base said...

I'm sure just about anyone could come up with a phrase so absurdly obscure that no one's ever put it online...

But thanks anyway, Kitten!

4:49 pm  
Blogger mattssonpolo said...

Hi every body: Iam Torontonian (Canada) moving to Helsinborg Sweden by the end of this year, Iam a professional Esthetician I do Reflexology, Reiki and Detoxmassage... my Swedish is poor (Iam learning ) How my chances to get a Job, or do this on my own at home or at client residence??? any help I would appreciate thank you!! Sara ;o)

6:05 pm  

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